Official Plan Review
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Virtual Open House
Hello Seguin! Welcome to the first virtual open house for Seguin Townships Official Plan Review. My name is Marissa Handley and I am the Planning Assistant at Skelton Brumwell and Associates. I will be the voice over for the presentation and wanted to introduce myself. For those of you who haven't met me yet before starting the presentation. Please allow me to introduce the project team. First is our project manager and Senior planner Michael Wynia. Michael and I will be working closely with teammate-planners Leah Quin and Kirsten Sullivan as well as Ecologist Taylor Wynia.
Now, let's officially get this virtual open house started.
Slide 1: Seguin Township Official Plan Review August 24th 2020
Slide 2: During this presentation we will review: What is an official plan? Why the official plan is being reviewed? Where we are in the process? And what are the next steps? We will also be reviewing how you can stay involved in the process.
Slide 3: So, you may be asking yourself, what is an official plan? An official plan is a policy document that guides decisions on land use and development throughout the township the official plan sets out the vision goals and objectives for the township. Lastly, it provides a broad direction on matters such as growth management infrastructure protecting natural resources employment lands housing natural hazards public spaces economic prosperity and public health and safety.
Slide 4: How does it work? The official plan works by outlining land use designations and policies and maps out land new structures across the township and Seguin’s case, the official plan must be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, Northern Growth Plan and other provincial plans and strategies.
Slide 5: Why is the official plan being reviewed? Section 26 of the Planning Act requires municipalities to revise the plan. No less frequently then 10 years after a comes into effect as a new official plan and every five years thereafter unless the plan has been replaced by another new official plan. This is to ensure they conform to and not do not conflict with provincial plans and in some cases upper-tier me. Support policies just as importantly the review also needs to reflect Community objectives growth and demographic change and up-to-date principles of a good plan.
Slide 6: The following is a summary of our official plan review process for Seguin Township. Pause the presentation if you would like to read through the whole process. For now, I would like to just go over the work that as being completed so far. We have completed the first phase, which is the launch phase. The official plan review website has gone live and you can find it at We have had two meetings with the steering committee and additional meeting with staff and Council.
Slide 7: Where are we in the review process? We have currently in the background research and public consultation phase of the project during this phase, the focus will be on collecting public input.To do this, we have created discussion paper to prompt public input.
Slide 8: The discussion papers on the official plan website were created to provide background information on The Provincial Policy Statement, The Growth Plan for Northern Ontario and Seguin’s current official plan policies. Additionally, the discussion papers provide prompting discussion questions that are intended to prompt discussion on the forums available on the website.
The topics covered in the discussion papers are: attainable housing, employment and economic prosperity, environment and natural heritage, infrastructure and public service facilities recreational carrying capacity, rural areas, settlement areas and vision.
These discussion papers will all have their own forums that will remain open for comments until the next open house meeting later on this year.
Slide 9: Where can I find these discussion papers? You can find the discussion papers on
Slide 10: In addition to the discussion forums there will also be a question-and-answer forum that will be open for comments and questions for a month. These questions will be answered on a weekly basis by the consultants.
Slide 11: The next steps will include the consultation of Indigenous People’s. There are no reserves within the township, but the area is subject to the following treaties the Williams and the Robinson-Huron the area is traditional territory of the Anishinabewaki and Mississauga.
In addition to this consultation work, we will be completing the first draft of the scoped issues planning report, which will highlight the recommended changes to the official plan based on the first round of public input.
Slide 12: Visit us at our website and join our email list for all the updates. Comment on the discussion forums attend open houses submit written comments and attend public meetings.
How to Access the Forums/Submit a Comment:
First access the website. There's a pop-up that comes up if you would like to subscribe to our e-mail list.
Exit out of this and go to discussion paper things. Once you get to the discussion paper page scroll down to see all of the available discussion papers. The last discussion paper is vision. Click on read more and it will bring you to the discussion paper. This is the same for all the discussion papers.
One way to access the discussion forums is to click on discussion papers and scroll down. Read more so that you access the discussion paper scroll down to what changes you would like to see and click form in the PDF. This will bring you to the Forum page for that discussion paper. This is the same for all of the discussion pages.
To submit a comment. It's virtually the same. You click the button in the PDF and over you to this page where you can submit a private comment.
Additionally, you can go to main page and click more to find the Forum and submit comments tabs. This will bring you to the Forum where all of the forms will be located or submit comment where you can submit a private comment.
On behalf of my team at Skelton Brumwell and Associates I would like to thank you for your attention and look forward to your participation in discussion forums. Your opinion is vital during this process of the official plan review. We hope to keep you informed and for you to stay involved throughout the whole process happy reading reviewing and raving about your vision of Seguin Township.