The provision of infrastructure and public service facilities in an efficient and economical way is a key consideration for growth and development. It is a goal of the Provincial Policy is to direct growth to areas with suitable infrastructure and public service facilities and to provide for a coordinated approach to land use and infrastructure planning.
See the discussion paper Infrastructure & Public Service Facilities to learn about Provincial and current township policies. After reading, answer the discussion promoting questions below to express what you would like to see in the upcoming Official Plan.
1. Do you think that the current policies are ensuring efficient development of new infrastructure and optimal use of existing infrastructure?
2. How can the Township provide clarity for owners of lands which are privately serviced but are intended for future water and wastewater services and/or stormwater management facilities?
3. How can the Township provide clarity for its residents and for the development industry in regard to the forms of servicing that are expected?
4. Are you satisfied with the location and overall provision of public service facilities in the Township? Are public service facilities accessible by active transportation?
5. Please provide any other comments you may have for consideration in the development of new policies.
Thank you all for your comments. They have been added to the comment matrix and will be considered for the OPR. Regards,
Marissa Handley Planner SBA
I wasn't sure where to put this comment.
I feel that is should be a priority of the township to ensure public access to lakes is maintained or improved. Public access to lakes is slowly being eroded by local lakefront owners, who do not feel that the public should have access to "their lake". Most lakes are Crown land and are for everyone in Ontario to enjoy and use, not just those who are fortunate enough to be able to afford waterfront properties. There should be a focus on maintaining and improving the access points, where they currently are, as well as an effort to obtain new access points on lakes that currently do not have municipal/public access. Many lakes in our areas have the ability to have access through municipal shore road allowances. This should be explored further by the township so that all residence (not sure those who can afford waterfront) can enjoy our beautiful lakes.
As a full time resident I do not feel I require any additional water and/or waste water services. I would be against forcing residence to move towards a municipal sewage system or a municipal water system. One of the reasons I live in Seguin is the rural nature of the township. I am completely satisfied with my well and septic and do not feel moving to a municipal sewage system or a municipal water system would benefit the residence at all (in fact, it would be a huge cost for home owners, that most likely can't afford), it would mostly benefit development.
Overall I believe that our asset management of our many types of infrastructure needs a total rework to take advantage of our many types of infrastructure our township has and needs - not just roads and bridges but boat launches, waste water/sewage options, a robust trail system and transportation that includes some transportation youth, seniors and the disadvantaged.
Our infrastructure also includes our community centres, libraries our works yards and offices as well as our arena. These need to managed with an environmental view of maintenance and a long term view of how these can be set up for future growth and activities.
I would like to see the opportunity opened up for innovative water and waste water treatment systems that will help support more residential and industrial investment and development. We need to eliminate the roadblock that the lack of municipal sewage systems has posed in the past.