I fear for the survival of the Grand Tappattoo Resort as the corner store already disappeared pre-COVID. I just read the Draft OP and believe it should be updated to allow smaller lots than the existing luxury/waterfront sizes to provide for needed year-round residential community to make economic and commercial services viable.
FEEDBACK TO AMEND THE STATUS QUO OF 2ac Luxury/Waterfront Lots locked into proposed Rural Residential Subdivisions Clause a)
5. a) Rural subdivision development shall occur in accordance with the following policies: New subdivisions shall contain lots with a minimum lot area of 8,000 square metres (~2ac) and a minimum frontage of 60 metres;
* 2 ac lots are typical of existing waterfront/luxury lots, so this does not address the current demand, or the urgent need to review existing lot sizes for ‘appropriate rural growth’ and look at cluster development stated in the OP Scoping Report under B12 SUBDIVISION OF LANDS, and to consider encouragement/incentives for clustering under 4.10 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS.
Cluster lot sizes range from 1 ac lots, and clustering lots range from .5-.75 ac in VLCP developments characterized by privately maintained roads and cul-de-sacs that can retain rural character and create vital and sustainable community life.
The proposed 8,000 (2ac) minimum lot size only enshrines the size of existing waterfront/luxury lots, and does not even meet the current, much less future residential, economic, social, or environmental needs identified in the Official Plan Scoping Report and Guiding Documents.
Therefore, the minimum lot area in 5.a) should be changed if the Official Plan is to provide residential lots for ‘appropriate rural growth’.
Consider revising 5.a) to “minimum lot area will be subject to consent to achieve appropriate rural growth. These may range from the existing rural residential lot size of 2ac and above, to smaller lots of 1ac to .75ac to support ‘a greater range of service and retail commercial and community service in a manner that enhances the quality and vibrancy of community’ (4.8 Community Design) and the ‘need to provide for increased economic activity in rural areas’ (4.10 Community Improvement Areas).”
As a community planning tool Seguin can benefit from a stated minimum (.75ac VLCP lots) to upper ranges (2ac existing luxury/waterfront lots) and above, to allow Seguin room to sustainably grow subject to consent with a variety of residential lot sizes and types.
This is supported by the Seguin guiding document LIVEABILITY & HEALTHY COMMUNITIES – MAY, 2021 where Mayor Ann MacDiarmid, states:
“we also must make it easier for rural subdivision of lots to smaller sizes and on many types of roads.”
“Additionally, it is vitally important that we make Seguin attractive for investors, developers and others to build more housing. It has to be easy, welcoming and not over prescriptive. Let’s allow creative solutions to our housing needs.”
Rural areas with roads currently serviced year-round by the Township and school bus routes are underutilized. These lack hydro, with existing waterfront and luxury lots drawing power from lake power lines. These Rural areas and the Township would benefit from more, smaller residential lots that would pay for improved infrastructure like hydro, road and environmental maintenance, and provide the needed density for year-round community life to support a greater range of retail commercial and community services for increased economic activity in rural areas.
Hi Luther, Thank you for submitting your comments. SBA has received your input for the Seguin OPR. Your submission has been filed in our comment matrix and will be considered for the next draft. Regards, Marissa Handley, BES Planner SBA