We have been trying to prove whether it is possible or whether Sosora is the most suitable aura for mercenaries among the summoning necromancers in the long journey. All of you will say at the beginning, if you haven't seen my previous guide: We have been trying to prove whether it is possible or whether Sosora is the most suitable aura.
In the hopes of better comprehending this, I have created some lovely charts. Bear in mind that the only thing I have in this weapon is an image of a blood demon. Only 45 seconds with Thorn's damage caused the eight Diablo demons that we killed with the player to commit suicide, but our typical killing time is about 45 seconds. This occurred during the time that we were killing them with the player. I don't know that there is one AI decision every four times, so the more frequently he hits the ball, the faster he will die, and the less frequently you hit the ball, the slower he will die. I don't know that there is one AI decision every four times. It's possible you'll never believe it. When something that is comparable to the primitive occurs, all you need to do is cover it as quickly as possible. If an ACT boss or Uber attacks a summon, they will cause four times the normal amount of damage.
How exactly can he improve his control over Diablo's artificial intelligence? Because mercenaries almost always deal the most damage in the shortest amount of time within the melee range, the problem is that the Diablo deity has always been enraged by them. In spite of the significant amount of fire resistance it possesses, it is unable to compete with the nearly 2,000 to 4,000 damage inflicted by mercenaries. However, the fire devil does deal a little bit more damage than the mercenaries.
After coming to the conclusion that we can let him attack our avatar, we have investigated a wide variety of different strategies in this area in order to achieve the highest rate of kills possible. Because we just used the word "Bramble D2R Rune," the damage from the thorns has been reduced. It is slightly better than the mercenary that appears in the second act of Grunt without Fire, but since we are utilizing the same Sorin settings, you should use the grunt of fire to pose a threat to the second act.
After you have defeated the final boss seal, you will frequently be decrypted or magnified. The most important thing is that it lasts long enough so that you can still have the magnified damage while you are in a random state when you are fighting Diablo. This is the most important thing. The most important thing is that it will produce four times the damage as a result of the unit modification, and then our mercenaries will produce a 20 level orange aura. As a result, approximately 1000% of the injuries that were dealt will be returned. I believe that this will assist in strengthening the persuasiveness of the argument that I will demonstrate to you in the following sentence. Therefore, once you have revived an army of more than 20 cows, you will truly see the greatest benefits of the halo power. Despite this, the benefits of the halo power for construction are still insignificant when compared to the benefits of the halo sting. Therefore, let's begin with our first test, which is an attempt to determine what the test's gold standard should be. Reanimated livestock can be conjured up by fire demons, which can then be used to create threats.
But even if you just replaced it with thorns instead of just using the possible aura, anything else will bring a slightly faster average time, and this is one of the problems that I think the data will eventually show that the corpse explodes and the necromancer dies, so even if you just replaced it with thorns, it will bring a slightly faster average time. To put it another way, when the proportion of the monster's life that is on player 8 reaches 4. 5 times its base value, the total damage caused by the body explosion will only be calculated based on the monster's base value, and the monster's life will be 4. The damage inflicted on players by monsters with auras, such as Thorn, has been increased by 50 points as a result of my idea, and the damage inflicted by 8 points will be significantly greater than the damage you cause yourself. Your overall performance significantly outperforms that of running either of the other two Auras by a large margin, which is significant given the number of times cattle have hit you. A page contains a great deal of numerical information. I am attempting to construct two distinct charts. You will finally advance to the next level and pass when you advance toward the possible Thorns halo in the game.
In light of this, we will begin with our first chart and investigate the relationship that exists between effectiveness and density. Finally, once you are able to run them, we will evaluate each other in different stages of development of the entire game. It is important to take note that the thorns that may always be blue will always be yellow, and the thorns that may be added will always be blue-green, and this progression from bad to good should be considered. The reason I believe that mercenaries or thorns will be very weak during the early stages of the normal nightmare is the reason why I believe that mercenaries or thorns may be better than mercenaries in the early stages of the normal nightmare. You may have a better weapon to amplify the damage, but if you don't have a good mercenary weapon, the damage returned by thorns will be constant, because it is based on the monster's potential damage output. This also means that in the lower player settings, you are typically at an early stage of progress, and you are less likely to have a high-quality mercenary weapon.
This means that everything else on the best slot machine will become less powerful when it remains unchanged; however, this is the best way to get the fastest clear speed, which is measured against the boss's killing time. Clay puppets will cause monsters' movement speed to decrease, which will in turn reduce the amount of damage they take from thorns. Clay puppets were a common form of entertainment in earlier times. I believe that once you have a mystery machine, if you are really rich, most people will transform into iron puppets and insight or pride puppets. This is the case regardless of whether you are rich or not. In point of fact, your mercenaries will not be in danger from them during the second act of the battle. What I want to see are tests conducted by other people as well as scenarios that are comparable so that you can tell me what your findings are. Because at this point, I really can't think of any justification for making use of maybe Aura.