The Axe of Godrick is widely acknowledged to be among the most lethal weapons that can be unearthed in any part of Elden Ring, and this consensus exists across the board. The amount of physical damage the weapon is capable of inflicting as well as the number of critical hits it achieves are both included in the statistics of the weapon. The player will have the opportunity to acquire the Remembrance of the Grafted once Godrick has been defeated and the player has taken care of business. You'll need about 34 strength and 22 dexterity to be able to equip it, and the amount of damage it does is proportional to the amount of both your strength and your dexterity. If you have the chance to add the Axe of Godrick to your collection, you should take it with both hands and do everything in your power to make that happen. The Axe of Godrick is a fantastic STR weapon that can be discovered in Elden Ring. As a result of the high physical and magical damage stats that the weapon possesses, it is capable of dealing a significant amount of damage to the adversaries, which makes it a potentially useful blade with which to engage a number of your adversaries at the same time. For a character to be able to properly wield the Greatsword of Onyx, they need to not only have a high level of strength (20), but also a high level of dexterity (16), and intelligence (16). If you want to get the most out of this weapon, you should focus on increasing your strength attribute as much as possible. Because of the potential for the Battle Hammer to inflict a significant amount of damage on your foes, it will be much simpler for you to put an end to them. The Battle Hammer is a potent weapon that is capable of dealing a significant amount of damage to your opponents. This is because it has a high physical attack and a high chance of landing a critical hit, both of which contribute to its potency. Following the application of the weapon skill, the player character may discover that one or more of their stats have experienced a significant increase. After proving yourself worthy against the Grave Warden Duelist in the Murkwater Catacombs, you will be able to acquire the Battle Hammer and use it in your fights against other enemies. In addition to having 8 dexterity, you will need to have 26 strength in order to wield the weapon effectively. If you want to dominate the field in Elden Ring, you should choose the Battle Hammer as your primary weapon because of its incredible raw power. It is one of the best strength weapons in the game. Simply clicking on this link will take you to additional information regarding Elden Ring. If you are determined to carry out this action, then you should choose this weapon as your method of defense. It has the appearance of a crozier and is wrapped in a blaze of flames. The Prelate's Inferno Crozier can be found in Fort Laiedd, or it can be found in Seethewater Terminus after the player has defeated an adversary in that area of the map. It is estimated that approximately 45 strength and 8 dexterity are needed to wield it in a manner that is both effective and efficient. A high level of physical prowess is required to use this weapon effectively in order to achieve the desired effect. Because of its high physical attack and critical hit rates, it has the potential to inflict a significant amount of damage, and this potential can even be increased through additional training. The player's attack can be significantly boosted by the weapon skill, which makes it significantly easier to eliminate any enemies that stand in the player's way and allows the player to continue along their path. If you invest in the strength attribute, you will be able to equip this weapon and significantly increase the amount of damage it deals. This makes the strength attribute a worthwhile investment. Because doing so will enable you to equip this weapon, increasing your strength is a worthwhile investment that should be considered. You should check that you have the Rusted Anchor in your inventory because it is a good STR weapon in cheap Elden Ring items that can deal damage due to its raw strength. If you do not have the Rusted Anchor in your inventory, you will not be able to use it. In addition to this, it has a high critical hit rate, which indicates that it has the potential to deal a significant amount of damage to your opponents. Additionally, it has the potential to deal significant damage to your opponents. This weapon has a total damage output of 98, with the damage being split evenly between physical and fire. The weapon also has a high resistance to fire damage. This is the place where it is stored away for safekeeping. It is located in a large hall, close to a statue that depicts a malevolent spirit. Strength, skill, and faith are the three facets of one's character that can be developed to bolster one's ability to deal more damage with their weapon. Developing these aspects of one's character can be done in a variety of ways. Increasing the amount you practice is one way to achieve this. Cranial Vessel Candlestand is a formidable weapon that is widely considered to be among the strength weapons in Elden Ring Items PC that have the greatest potential for effectiveness. Because the weapon has a weight of 12, you need to make the appropriate adjustments to your strength attribute in order to use it effectively.