It is an imperative direction in the Official Plan that all development on the Township’s lakes must protect, improve, or restore the quality of water in the lakes, as well as protect the social experiences of those people using the lakes. Recreational carrying capacity is a fundamental facet of protecting water quality.
See the discussion paper Recreational Carrying Capacity to learn about Provincial and current township policies. After reading, answer the discussion promoting questions below to express what you would like to see in the upcoming Official Plan.
1. Are you satisfied with the current definition for Recreational Carrying Capacity? What could be
2. Are there other elements of carrying capacity that should be considered? Is carrying capacity the
best way to address the utilization and development density on lakes?
3. How should smaller lakes with less than 40 hectares of area be better protected through policy?
Hi all, SBA has received your input for the Seguin OPR. Your submission has been added to our comment matrix and will be considered for the OPR. Regards, Marissa Handley, BES Planner SBA