The provision of infrastructure and public service facilities in an efficient and economical way is a key consideration for growth and development. It is a goal of the Provincial Policy is to direct growth to areas with suitable infrastructure and public service facilities and to provide for a coordinated approach to land use and infrastructure planning.
See the discussion paper Infrastructure & Public Service Facilities to learn about Provincial and current township policies. After reading, answer the discussion promoting questions below to express what you would like to see in the upcoming Official Plan.
1. Do you think that the current policies are ensuring efficient development of new infrastructure and optimal use of existing infrastructure?
2. How can the Township provide clarity for owners of lands which are privately serviced but are intended for future water and wastewater services and/or stormwater management facilities?
3. How can the Township provide clarity for its residents and for the development industry in regard to the forms of servicing that are expected?
4. Are you satisfied with the location and overall provision of public service facilities in the Township? Are public service facilities accessible by active transportation?
5. Please provide any other comments you may have for consideration in the development of new policies.
Thank you all for your comments. They have been added to the comment matrix and will be considered for the OPR. Regards,
Marissa Handley Planner SBA