It is a key goal of the Province is to support a range and mix of housing options, including second units and affordable housing, to serve all sizes, incomes, and ages of households. In Seguin, a significant proportion of housing exists in the form of single-detached dwellings, and average household size is 2.3 persons (Statistics Canada, 2016).
See the discussion paper Attainable Housing to learn about Provincial and current township policies. After reading, answer the discussion promoting questions below to express what you would like to see in the upcoming Official Plan.
1. Do you think that the Township has an appropriate mix and choice of housing to accommodate all
needs? If not, what additional housing choices should be made available and where?
2. Do you agree that residential development in settlement areas should occur through intensification, infill, and redevelopment opportunities?
3. How do you think the character of a community can be retained while intensification and new
development occurs? Should the Township consider development of guiding principles for complete
communities and integration of land uses?
4. Should the Township consider establishment of a minimum target for a housing units within
settlement areas which will need to be attainable? Should the Township consider policies establishing targets for a minimum number of units which are: designed to be accessible to people with disabilities, designed to accommodate larger families, and designed to be age-friendly?
5. Please provide any other comments you may have for consideration in the development of new
Thank you all for your comments. They have been recorded in our comment matrix , and will be taking into consideration for the OPR. Marissa Handley Planner SBA